Thursday, June 18, 2009

Secrets of a FreedomMaster : Overview

This Little Book will evolve over time, but copies are available in current versions.

The Table of Contents is

  1. The Philosophy of Freedom as emerged over Six Millennium
  2. Living free today in a world of Unfreedom
  3. Understanding political economics
  4. Understanding economics as ecology and human actions
  5. Why medical freedom is so very important
  6. Creating a health plan for yourself in today's world
  7. A personal survival kit for protecting yourself from pandemics and flu
  8. Simple rules to being healthier tomorrow, younger next year
  9. What you can do to keep most major illness away
  10. What you can do to arrest, reverse, and fight cancer by protecting yourself today!
  11. Understanding the BoomBust cycle of malinvestment today in America and around the world
  12. What you can do to protect yourself from the Perfect Financial Storm just over the horizon
  13. Where to go for more information and how to survive in hard times
  14. Understanding investing for life
This is the present Table of Contents. The Little Secrets book is not a big book, but a book of basic principles and concepts and strategies for living free in a world of ever growing unfreedom. You will be introduced to things, products and websites to find more information where possible and access to ways to make yourself freer today, more self reliant in a world of growing victomhood.

This is the FreedomMaster's secrets learned over a life time, after many false directions and ever growing learnings from life, and the wisdom of friends, including family, and learnings from travels around the world to over 121 countries, living and working in many of them for weeks, months and years over the last 35 years. But more so, as my favorite motto states:

Wise men are instructed by reason;
Men of less understanding, by experience;
The most ignorant, by necessity;
The beasts by nature

Letters to Atticus[?], Marcus Tullius Cicero

Until next time, be free and real to yourself and those you love

Treat the world with respect to the Two Rules of Life:.

Secrets of a FreedomMaster

It is time to share with others some of the Little Secrets learned in my search for freedom in the current world of increasing movement toward control and domination of others.

I will step back and discuss some of the Little Secrets, and direct you to how you can find out more about Secrets of a FreedomMaster. Okay, I am a self-designated FreedomMaster. But finding freedom today is a lost art, given the domination of government schools in subjects taught and the mind set of students learned in society today.

As an example, the decades old use of sun screen with a vengeance, a sensible disregard of the value of sun and the human body's need for vitamin D. As discussed in the Secrets of a FreedomMaster, the literally daily need for and role of vitamin D in the human body. That without allowing an child or adult to understand the importance of this vitamin to the overall health of the body has been with great liklihood a contributing factor to many illness now affecting our lives and that of our children.

If you are interested in knowing more about the need for vitamin D as part of a freedom arsenal to health freedom, a major discussion in my Little Book, please just ask me for a e-copy. I am making them available on-line, and, if you want just the section on the importance of vitamin D, that is available too.

Okay enough today!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Finally begin my blog.

Here will present and offer ideas, for building freedom in a world that is going towards UNfree. I will offer links to, ideas about and ways for you to 'find freedom in an ever growing unfree world.'

If you have a link or idea, please share. I want this to become the idea site for 'finding freedom.'

Hope you enjoy.

Traveling WuliRider