The Table of Contents is
- The Philosophy of Freedom as emerged over Six Millennium
- Living free today in a world of Unfreedom
- Understanding political economics
- Understanding economics as ecology and human actions
- Why medical freedom is so very important
- Creating a health plan for yourself in today's world
- A personal survival kit for protecting yourself from pandemics and flu
- Simple rules to being healthier tomorrow, younger next year
- What you can do to keep most major illness away
- What you can do to arrest, reverse, and fight cancer by protecting yourself today!
- Understanding the BoomBust cycle of malinvestment today in America and around the world
- What you can do to protect yourself from the Perfect Financial Storm just over the horizon
- Where to go for more information and how to survive in hard times
- Understanding investing for life
This is the FreedomMaster's secrets learned over a life time, after many false directions and ever growing learnings from life, and the wisdom of friends, including family, and learnings from travels around the world to over 121 countries, living and working in many of them for weeks, months and years over the last 35 years. But more so, as my favorite motto states:
Wise men are instructed by reason;
Men of less understanding, by experience;
The most ignorant, by necessity;
The beasts by nature
Letters to Atticus[?], Marcus Tullius Cicero