- A clean, simple and cost effective treatment for the Number One cause of disease and illness around the world
- Something to address, not the symptoms, but the cause of 98.6% of diarrhea: viral and bacterial-caused health disease & illness in humans.
I have created Curarrher, a nutraceutial, all natural and herb-based treatment for wide distribution. It is safe, herb-based, proven to work and just not known in the Western World, but acknowledged within the medical research world, and among a select few. Curarrher is the answer to address many other conditions, but starting with diarrher is the path to good health for the many affected, especially the children of Asia, Africa, Central and South America.
There is a 2nd dominant theme that runs through the back roads of my mind. Heavy in implications and clearly 'the solution' but 90+% invisible to most people due to the prevailing enamorment of growing government over personal lives and economics, the many are being deprived of their asset wealth, accumulated over the last 10-40 years, and they are accepting this with 'oh well.' But it is government and banking induced, driven by elitist and culpable malfeasance by those in power.
This is understandable, given the 5,000 year history of homo sapient, IMHO, acceptance of the demigod role of Conqueror over the masses, the jostling between the Throne and the alter, that re-emerged during the Enlightenment period in Europe after the Dark Ages and we call Nationalism. Then throw in the 20th Century re-emergence of European Mercantilism from the 1600-1800s, not unlike Asia, and the masses remained non free, only living under the direct control and parameters defined by those in Power. (Murray Rothbard's 4 volumes on Liberty in america covers this well.)
Taxation has been the main evil form of Power over Liberty throughout history, captured for over 4500 years as the ideas of Paganism: The elite are smarter and born to Power, Might is Right, and the masses are dumb and need to be controlled. The beliefs underlying this point of view came from BOTH viewpoints!
The emergence of Consciousness within more than a few, the reality that all life is individual based and all energy comes from the individual and not some 'group' or as defined by those in Power, is a vital understanding.
(Carl Jung captured it as the idea of individuation, and when there is a community of such individuals, an Enlightened Community. The three major monotheistic religions also laid the foundations in the early forms defining the relationship as only between 'God and the individual.' And it was these religious patterns of understanding, that freedom and liberty gained a platform, and emerged at unique times in history. (Islamic Golden Age running from China to Spain for 500-1000 years, Ireland 1,000 years of freedom, Ancient Greece, American Revolution 1600's to 1913.))
But I digress. It is and has been the theft of the means of exchange, the use of banking power brokers and government in outlawing real money and exchange and using force and regulation to institute the use of tokens and paper of no-value as the only exchange instruments and as the only money for exchanging real wealth! All known societies have overtaxed and turned to paper or fiat money, forced on the people so governments could spend more on their needs, and make war, period. Government then could spend and go into debt until the capacity of the productive members of any society left in disgust or gave up. by producing more paper money than the value of the total goods and services of real production inevitably lead to inflation and destroyed wealth among the people.
The modern world believes in salvation by inflation. So has every civilization except one: the Byzantines, who had a stable gold currency for a thousand years after 325 A.D.
Having said that, and this has been a 'drafted' introduction to my second theme, finding ways to help others find relief and protection from the still coming Perfect Financial Storm!!
There are ways to protect oneself and ones assets, but one would have to step out of the prevailing, government-can-save-us, dominant belief; the idea that we as a people can spend and incur debt to get out of debt!!
How to bring the ideas of self responsible protection to a peoples that have given up most if not all ideas of self reliance, is difficult. When a people believe believe that the main protection from someone breaking into your house is to call the police or 911, instead of staying self responsible, having a hand gun at home to defend your own life and that of your family, there is a prevailing paradigm of ideas of victim hood.
Be that as it may, there are actions to take to protect your wealth, to prepare for any coming downturn in the economy. There are many sites on the web to find 'survival' ideas for food, gardening, canning, keeping stores, (Ask if interested in some of the best, I can send them to you, if you are interested.)
My interest is, it is Almost-Never Too Late to take steps to protect your remaining money and invest in ways that will retain and grow in these coming troubling times. Whether you are a true believe in government goodness and want ever increasing government control of our lives, or you are growing self reliant in your view of the world, there are actions you can take to protect yourself, once you realize that the worst has not yet come and that is is going to get much, MUCH worse. Somewhere along that path, YOU may want to learn how to protect your remaining assets.
And there are ways. There are ways to do it within the system and outside the prevailing mainstream, commonly accepted political economic view that prevails among people, the government, press and society in general.
I call it The Life Boat For Bad Times: where and how to protect your assets during a bad, BAD Storm. Includes actions to take whatever your view of political economics, and a systematic approach to assess and evaluate your actions on a timely basis.
Send me an e-mail for more information.