Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wulirider is copyrighted!!

Wulirider is now, and have been for me my moniker since 2004 or so.  It is a word I created and have used as my personal handle.

Wulirider has been my  moniker ((or monicker) is another term for a nickname, pseudonym, or cognomen. Typically, the title is used as a personal or professionally)

Wulirider was my idea, used like Einstein's thought experiment, "What would it be like to right a light beam?  What would I see?"  Wuli is taken from Mandarin language and via a book written on popular physics, The Tao of Physics, using the definition given therein, wuli stands for organic energy.  Since electro-magnetics (EM) is a form of the most pervasive energy in the universe, I thought to myself, "What would it be like to ride an EM wave/particle?"

Hence, Wulirider!!! My attempt at thinking outside the box on any idea...

So, this message is to 'copyright' Wulirider as a word, idea and concept, as my moniker, handle or pseudonym officially for now and forever!!!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Re:#INC000007212495 I am closing this account this month. Note new email address for any future emails in message

If you wish to change your firm's registration username on econsultant2, kindly provide the name of your firm, your complete name and new email address and we will update our records.

If you are an individual consultant , then no further action is required from your side.

Best regards,
Nirmiti Barot
eConsultant Support Team
GSD Help Desk
The World Bank Group

----------Original Message--------

Yahoo and gmail are reprehensibly with new policy of totally stealing all
data and using it to profile each and every one on there servers. I have
decided to discontinue this service and move to a secure email system.
Should have done this way back when

If you are interested note the new address:


*Freedom always, Family and friends before all*
Guiding Principles:*
o Do harm to no one
o Take from none his own
o Gold is coined freedom
o 'Right to Carry' puts teeth in freedom & liberty*
*It's time for a little civil disobedience against illegal laws & those who
promote them: Liberty Begins Locally!!!!*
*0 **Walk on the grass **0 Buy
unregistered firearms *
*0 Buy produce from local farmers **0 Watch for "agent
* with cash*
*0 Practice liberty until it becomes 0 Smoke some grass*
* a habit*
*0 Paint-ball red light cameras! 0 Practice jury
*0 Barter, trade, buy second-hand **0 Stop voting in national
* to avoid **state. liquor *
* & income taxes*
*0 Vote locally for less government, 0 Pay cash, stop using credit
* less taxes, less regulation*
*0 Practice self help health 0 Don't get vaccinated!
Take Vitamin D3!*
* *
*Visit my blog
Learn about Liberty & Power, and finding liberty in today's world,
especially in these most interesting times. Or here for something 'new'*
Try this: ;

Interested in freedom & Liberty?

Monday, May 13, 2013

I am closing this account this month. Note new email address for any future emails in message


Yahoo and gmail are reprehensibly with new policy of  totally stealing all data and using it to profile each and every one on there servers.  I have decided to discontinue this service and move to a secure email system.   Should have done this way back when

If you are interested note the new address:


Freedom always, Family and friends before all
Guiding Principles:
o  Do harm to no one
o  Take from none his own
o  Gold is coined freedom
o  'Right to Carry' puts teeth in freedom & liberty

It's time for a little civil disobedience against illegal laws & those who promote them:  Liberty Begins Locally!!!!

Walk on the grass                                  0 Buy unregistered firearms 
0 Buy produce from local farmers          0 Watch for "agent provocateurs"
   with cash
0 Practice liberty until it becomes          0 Smoke some grass
   a habit
0 Paint-ball red light cameras!                0 Practice jury nullification
0 Barter, trade, buy second-hand          0 Stop voting in national elections
   to avoid state. liquor 
   & income taxes
0 Vote locally for less government,       0 Pay cash, stop using credit cards
   less taxes, less regulation
0 Practice self help health                       0 Don't get vaccinated! Take Vitamin D3!

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to become the Healthiest State in the Union: REALLY!!!

How to become the Healthiest State in the Union: REALLY!!!

Yes, you can reach the Healthiest State personally and live in the Healthiest State of the Union.
This does not involve giving-in to this seriously stupid idea of building a bigger and more 'deadly' health care system as exists today and Obama Care envisions in your future.
And deadly it is.
I did not use that word incorrectly or inappropriately, heath care today is not about healing, but disease management at best and ever more slow and costly death to a growing number of Americans, sooner than under any other model out there.
I will present for you some ideas and hopefully provocative information that will make you fight tooth and nail for living healthier with less government interference into how and what you do to be healthy. I will offer strategies for individuals and within your State to defeat these 'killing institutions' and abominable regulations from taking your life or your loved ones, avoiding the killing fields of existing halls and beds, offices of the false prophets of health called MD's.
MD's have a role but it has nothing to do with wellness or your health, but emergencies, trauma and a few other non health areas, but not living a healthy and energized life; nope, they have little to provide in that arena. The very idea of drugging you for any and everything really should put more MD's behind bars than people into walking drug addicted zombies. Allowing doctors and schools to drug our children should be reason enough to tar and feather such idiots turn them loose in the wild.
And your state can help you by nullifying Obama Care and all such health related programs, blocking CODEX alimentarius and other anti health and, in general allowing you to live your life in freedom, not in servitude.
Read on, please.
Listen and listen well. Madness has befallen us, something is amiss, strongly wrong, run amok …
The healthcare system as exists in America today maims and kills more people than any single institution today, bacteria, virus or disease, damaging more bodies of innocent children, adults and elder folk than even war. It is not disease that is killing up, it is not illness killing our vitality for life, but the healthcare system itself, Crony Healthcarism!!
You don't believe me? Physician-caused and hospital caused deaths NOW total 785,000 a year! (See chart below). Crony healthcarism via iatrogenesis. is by far the greatest cause of death, bar none. Iatrogenesis is defined as death or injury resulting from the activity of a health care provider or institution; said of any adverse condition in a patient resulting from treatment by a physician, nurse, or allied health professional.
 Leading Causes of Death (2010)

Cause of Death
Number of Deaths
Doctor/Hospital caused (Iatrogenic) (See Break down @
Death By Doctor”1
Heart Disease
CDC data
“ “
Chronic lower respiratory disease
“ “
“ “
“ “
Alzheimer's/ Dementia2
“ “
“ “
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)3
“ “
Influenza & pneumonia
“ “
Death by firearms
FBI data
Nutritional Supplementation
===Notes for chart: 1Full Life Extension report from Death by Doctor here;  (I threw in some death by firearms for comparison. Article for another time...)

Something is wrong here, drastically wrong.  Death by doctor, Death by an institution is now the leading cause of death? 
In most of Africa, hospitals are called "A place to die."  they realized early that going into one, you often did not come out!  Truth is with death at the hand of the existing health establishment, including hospitals and MD's in general, from unnecessary procedures, to prescribed drug issues, catching a deadly virus while in the hospital, unnecessary surgeries, what more can go wrong?
Yes, it is more dangerous to you to go to see a doctor than drive a car, being killed by a terrorist, being gunned down in the streets in the worst part of town, struck by lightening, attacked by a mad dog. Yep, going to a hospital or to see a doctor leads to death in greater numbers for more people than any known activity, including drug addiction, getting caught in a drug-gang bust, shot in a bank robbery!
AND-D-D-D, because we depend on 'their' judgments and knowledge to “save us” and protect our health, the #2-10 major diseases killings us are at least TWICE what they would be IF we practiced wellness and DID NOT LISTEN TO OUR DOCTORS AND GO TO HOSPITALS for the vast majority of the reasons we do.
Ladies and gentlemen, please read on for I hope to make it totally clear that you can take steps NOW to live better and with a higher quality of life if you do everything in your power to stop the extension of Obama Care into our lives.
Imagine, the leading cause of death, the Crony Healthcarism model and they want to give you move of it, tax you more for it and kill you faster and with greater impunity using it. ARE WE CRAZY?!?!?!?!?! Death by doctor, by Crony Healthcarism is growing faster than any other category of death for humans.
It should be renamed Health Roach Hotels1 – you go in and never get out. Analogous to African idea 'hospitals are a place to die.”
Read on if you believe in personal sovereignty, State sovereignty and the importance of stopping this lunacy of actual allowing Crony Healthcarism to happen to you or your State, actually be taxed for it. If it is true that they want to make you pay $5,000 per person that does not participate each year, that the same amount of money spent on buying organic food and nutritional supplementation would support a family of four. Yep, if you spent that money on real food and supplementation for missing essential nutrients no longer available in your foods, you would NOT be going to doctors for colds, flu, acid reflux, indigestion, and too many ailments to list here, and instead would be healthy, thinner and more energized that could ever by by taking the drugs prescribed by doctors!
There is good news with Obama Care: Knowing the reality behind the scam will lead to its demise: fewer services for fewer individuals, death panels, outlandish increases in cost per tax paying individuals, government regulation and lowered quality across the board; statism, rob Peter to give to Paul run amok.
Those few who can see past the fog of government lies and deceptions, will begin to take action to nullify these mad folk behind this catastrophic Iatrogenic idea.
People are being brought out of the darkness and into the light of health and wellness consciousness. Whether good or bad times ahead, moving toward State, country and personal nullification of statist health care will be for your betterment, assuming we can get ahead of this beast in time.
The need is for nullification of Obama Care, more so, the State creating Health Free Zones and allowing alternative health and wellness services and ideas to flourish in the State. Equally important, to allow the ideas of sound diet options and medical nutrition principles and concepts and consumption to be left as an individual action. I will discuss these in more detail below, but give a little background and hopefully spark some discussion given the fact that physician-caused death is now number one killer in America today! This alone should make many step back and take your health and that of their family into their own hands.
Why? It is cheaper than medical care, especially as defined and TAXED under Obama Care. It will lead to living a higher quality of life, living longer and, as discussed below health and wealth are two faces of success whether a carpenter, waiter or entrepreneur: clarity of mind, body and soul will take you towards wealth and a good life faster than any serfdom or enslavement model from DC gangsters.
If the DC gangsters get their way, if the ruling elites and special interests of the AMA, Big Pharma get their way, we could be in deep kimshee. Especially if the economy goes into serious depression or crash mode, and we are dependent on government and THEN health care falters as overloaded and without money and resources. Those who learned to feed themselves, improve their own health via sound foods, organic home or community grown foods and nutritional supplementation will survive with greater likelihood, have off spring that make it through the Dark Winter of Trying times.
I am reminded of how Adam Fergusson bleakly put it in his moving account of Weimar Inflation in 'When Money Dies':
"In hyperinflation, a kilo of potatoes was worth, to some, more than the family silver; a side of pork more than the grand piano. A prostitute in the family was better than an infant corpse; theft was preferable to starvation; warmth was finer than honour, clothing more essential than democracy, food more needed than freedom."

But the arrogance of the puppet masters and the Healthcare cronies including AMA, Big Pharma and FDA behind them, their thinking that Americas are too dumbed down and without these sycophants could not live their own lives. The sheer boldness of weaving together this plan, 'making' you live under THEIR singular model for healthcare, MAKING you PAY a fee or TAX if you do not do as you are told, making you get vaccines, making you...
They are killing you slowly, killing you over time and often before you can leave the hospital from virus picked up while there! Hell, one in five who enter get MERSA and 20% die from it! That is not even included in the chart below...
More people, like TAC and its followers, are aware that alternatives exist and they would like the freedom of choice to decide their own health, their own lives and not be forced into a single model or plan, especially one decided by a clear cabal of insiders seeking political gain, greed and power, treated as special interests groups, without competition.
People are aware that health is a personal decision, not a public interest. It is this confusion that leads to people being treated as cattle or sheep, not as a farmer would treat them, but as a slaughter house getting rid of diseased animals.
==Health Roach Hotels2 – you go in and never get out. Analogous to African idea 'hospitals are a place to die.”
They treat humans as animals and linking it all together, your birth, shots, vaccines and then TAXING you and if you do not obey, you can't go to school, work or play, you can not even try to live outside their matrix of control, as they force you to eat GMO foods that literally are altering your genes.
WHAT IS GOING ON? Something sinister, but the good news is people are waking up and realizing that things are not right now.
It is not really Obama, but the insidious intrusion of government and special interests in the health care industry, the pharmaceutical companies, the AMA and FDA control freaks who are defining the model.
dragged literally into the reality that government mandated health care is about being 'allowed' to live only under the guidelines of disease management, dying slowing, living shorter lives, killed slowly and all at the hand of government whims, physician assisted living from cradle to grave and death by appointment!

Doctor/Hospital caused (Iatrogenic) death is now the leading cause of death in America.  And Obama Care wants to make it officially the 'only way to die.'  
Cradle to grave, the monopoly by government and collusion with AMA, FDA and all in between will cut you, burn you and kill you in increasing numbers, according to rules and regulations and medical practices as primitive today as bloodletting 100 years ago. Most doctors do not belong to AMA, but AMA controls as a member within the inner circle, what health care is defined as, including licensing, etc. The Freeman magazine represents free-market philosophy and has many good articles, including on this topic. This article by Dr. Pruitt reviews Flexner Report and the history of the takeover by health care by AMA and collusion with government leading to classic monopoly issues: less quality for less consumers and at a higher cost!  It is inherent to the model, but serves the economic needs of the providers: more money for their work, less competition and creates 'company owned town' syndrome. It is but another Elitist domination of the people in a sector, but following the work book of the Ancient Ruling Regime, the Rule of Oligarchy:  dominate, command and control. 
Economically speaking, the health care delivery model used in America is based on mercantilism, a group of special interests monopolizing products and services to the benefit of themselves.  They assume the client or patient is either too stupid or needs 'their' oversight on how to live, die and be treated in between. 
Ever since that infamous Flexnor Report, funded by Rockefeller was as insidiously applied by a cabal of insiders to take control of health in America is only exceeded by the dark and dirty central banking cartel taking over America's money and banking.  And the two operate like two secret laws of a dark and sinister plot to enslave, dominate and subjugate a peoples, making them like cattle or sheep on a farm.  Sadly, farm animals are treated better than humans, since they suffer disease and illness rates at magnitudes lower rates per 100,000 than do humans. Why?  Well, farmers and live stock breeders know the value of their animals, whereas humans are treated like live stock, but less humanely, oh yea...

Government mandated health care, hospitals and doctors (MD's) are killing us with treatments as primitive today, as bloodletting, was only 100 years ago.  Healthcare has become a beast of monopolize collusion between taking money from everyone, passing it through insurance companies and paying doctors and the hospitals outrageous amounts to treat disease and illness. And it is an abysmal failure of a money, here and abroad, causing unnecessary pain and killing us slowly, rapidly and constantly.
Obama care will lead to more suffering and deaths, at greater cost, more centralization and loss of real health and well being.  Allowing this centralization of health via the existing disease-care system is currently a failure and will be more of a failure when government gets ever more intimately involved as planned.  It will be a disaster.
Catherine Austin Fitts recently commented on this. Health and wealth are directly related and wealth without health is of little value as you can not live a vibrant life to enjoy it.
I again implore everyone to view State level interposition as noted by Tom Woods, by the State into allowing competition to any and all forms of health care will demonstrate immediately and without confusion. The value of health, wealth and prosperity are directly related and positively correlated with individual responsibility and economic freedom, things the state can protect.
Herman Hans Hope, a leading economist of the Austrian School has written on how any monopoly leads to lower quantity, quality and higher costs.   This is already happening and Obama Care is not in place yet.  It however, is leading to increased awareness of the poor model and bad economics behind it and people are increasingly awakening to its terrible implications for health and well being for all.
I am suggesting a three prong approach to State sovereignty, purse, sword and health.  this article is about health as not only important to individual well being and less costly overall for the individual and society, but how health can be a driving force to a State's economic resilience and avoid being impacted by the DC collapse of the dollar and economic chaos that will follow for years if not decades.
It has been said that America could return to 3rd world status with the effects of what DC has done to our economy.  This three prong approach could lessen if not avoid such a dark scenario in any State that moves rapidly to strengthen their acceptance of real money, real defense and real health.
I have written on the importance of State Sovereignty and the necessity of becoming self reliant via the Purse and the Sword. I suggest here that improving the health and well being of the  people within your state, via competitive models, could be the linchpin, the key to economic prosperity.
TAC advocates taking back any if not all non delegated powers originally requested of the federal government, now run amok. With the 'dumbing-down' of the people in government schools, we have become sheeple, being fleeced financially, health-wise and in too many ways that literally forced TAC to come into existence!

Dr Saul from website and peer reviewed work, notes in his newsletter,         " Our national disease-care system (for it is certainly not a HEALTH care system) depends on sickness. This is neither a new problem nor an uniquely American problem, for even the ancient Vedas say that "the carpenter desires timber; the physician, disease."
He further mentions "...More recent critics come from within the medical profession itself. One is Dr. Emanuel Cheraskin (formerly Chairman of the Department of Oral Medicine, University of Alabama Medical once said, "Health is the biggest failing business in America."
Healthy living is not the goal of the mainstream, MD and health establishment now operational in America. It is disease management, corrupted by Big Pharma profits, and sadly, social engineering by government elitist.
This is especially valid during any economic difficult times, economic chaos or other reactions to the DC gangsters and their Wall Street and European Banksters behind any pending monetary or economic crash.  Read Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Ron Paul or any of the Austrian School of Economics including such icons as Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard and Hermann Hans Hoppe or any of the writers on Lew Rockwell website or; they all make it known,  the idea of what these gangsters are doing to America and the World via big government and big business colluding together against the people for self aggrandizement, power and the propensity to control, control, control.
We need to return health to the individual, support health freedom at the State level and act as the Tom Woods from history, as interpositional for the people of the State in leading their lives without interference.  I would go so far as to paraphrase Richard Maybury of Early Warning Report and his two rules for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness: 1)honor your contracts and  2)do not encroach on the property or lives of others.  He states that these rules are found in all major philosophies and religions throughout history.  The current move towards nation state collectivism the singular exception and the major cause of poverty in health and living in prosperity today.
Dr. Vieira is the lead intellectual, insightful proponent of this idea, returning States Rights back to the States with REAL money and REAL defense. Adding a Health Freedom Zone by Mike Adams, the Health Warrior of, to any economic prosperity approach will change the game for the better and provide an environment of business development and an expanding economy, but a healthier population of individuals, drawing talent and skills to make the State a Haven for Success.
The TAC follows legislation in 14 areas, several taken together leading to actions behind or supporting one or more of this three prong approach: Purse, Sword and health. Dr Vieira's work defines the principles and actions for the Purse and Sword, and Mile Adams writings work provides a platform for moving forward with Health Freedom Zone.
Dr. Vieira has written how the Purse would or could be commodity-based, using gold or silver per the constitution. His ideas have been implemented in Utah and is under consideration elsewhere. He has sample legislation as does TAC.
He has written about electronic models that would allow rapid implementation within 3-6 months.
I suggest one more consideration: consider using Bitcoin as another competitive currency and money that represents freedom, non government controlled currency and avoids any centralized money inflationary actions.
The Sword is all about returning the militia as an actuality to the State and making it a reality.
The Health Freedom Zone by Mike Adams is the third leg of this stool. It is a major stimulation of a sector that would be part of a natural economic wealth and prosperity plan. Under such a plan would be the encouragement of medicinal nutrition and personal responsibility and awareness of the value of such in improved health and well-being.
NOW that would be a State on the edge of freedom and liberty, allowing competition within and among the money options, allowing economic growth and innovation within the State.
But there are two sides to wealth. As previously mentioned, Catherine Austin Fitts recently commented on this. She stated that health and wealth are directly related and wealth without health is of little value as you can not live a vibrant life to enjoy it!
Promoting health and well-being is key to a people living well, being of a mind and body to be dynamic, creative and living life with fullness.  Ms. Fitts said:
"'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead' (video out now) ... in essence shows how 80 percent of America can solve most of their health care problems at very low cost because the thing that is driving health care expenses up is you have a highly controlled, highly governmentalized system – tremendous profits to corporations, tremendous profits to pharmaceutical companies. And the thing that's driving the costs up is the fact that nobody's healthy."
That is why I promote Mike Adams idea of Health Freedom Zone and allowing all health providers, from chiropractors, naturopaths and every alternative health professional to practice in the State. Doing this along side of any prevailing health care via MDs and hospitals, will be living proof of what works and I would bet dollars to donuts, we would see hospitals closing, MDs downsizing, health care costs drop dramatically and the people living healthier and with levels of the quality of life heretofore only dreamed about.  This would be a real time experiment across time and with fairly immediate results since real treatment, reversal and prevention would be self-evident in weeks and months and the trends in disease and illness dropping dramatically as a personal and societal phenomenon.
Bye Bye, Big Pharma, drop in mass shootings from kids on drugs, pharmacies turning to other services as services no longer needed, hospital staff getting new jobs in real health fields, government expenditures drop off in the now fastest growing field of MD/hospital establishment arena.
Look, the current industry of healthcare is the major killer and is behind the major killers of cancer and heart related deaths.  MDs and the healthcare system treat disease, manage treatments.  I am suggesting that there are proven and practical ways, low cost and more effective  ways for health and well being to be self determined and reflect self responsible behavior.  I am suggesting that this model would improve well being, optimize and create a healthier population, living longer and healthier and working smarter versus being perceived and treated by the existing health care establishment as too dumb to known better.  The prevailing model treats diabetes II as a $300,000 flow of income, cancer as a $350,000 multi-year income and other illness and disease as income flows from a broad market to the doctors for patients who go into the system. (Number illustrative, but in ball park.)
The alternative is, for one, medical supplementation and sound diet, pennies on the dollar in cost, savings beyond belief, and re-focusing the existing health establishment on what they do best: trauma, emergency, surgery, etc.
Look at the chart below. The healthcare system in America has become the leading cause of death in America. Physician-caused death and dying from being in a hospital today kills more people, 786,000 annually, and this is the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
So, a State creating a Health Freedom Zone mentality, allowing competing health and wellness services, will either have more deaths or fewer death; healthier and more energized folk or less.  And if this is done, not as a government service, but as something individuals do on their own, THEN the State is moving toward life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Health and happiness are closely related; wealth and happiness are totally health dependent.  The State constitutions are based on insuring this, allowing this to happen, so get back to doing interpositioning and blocking the federal government health initiatives and allowing people to seek health and wellness options that make them healthier!!
More so, healthcare system and focus on disease management fails to reduce the other leading causes of death.  It is now evident that the other causes #2 through 10 could be reduced by allowing competition in health services and especially by individual sound eating habits and nutritional supplementation since foods no longer can provide the full spectrum of the necessary nutrients, especially minerals.
Oh and the health industry is the leading cause of bankruptcy!  More people not only go bankrupt, but lose their financial assets for end-of-life treatments, with 90% or more of all expenses over a life time occurring in the last 6 months of a person's life and then they die.
So with almost 800,000 death by doctors and the health system annually, then the major cause of bankruptcy, there is more.  The doctors perform over 2,500,000 unnecessary surgical operations annually
The four major areas where patients undergo surgery unnecessarily every year are
  • Knee arthroscopy
  • Hysterectomy
  • Spinal surgery
  • Angioplasty
 Sadly, if people were not so enamored with doctors, and just the simple strategy of seeking a second opinion, would have saved the system 125-200 BILLION dollars in medical cost, endless suffering and health damage.  (The 30,000-50,000 deaths may already be in the data on deaths above.)
Sadly many of the underlying issues were not resolved, only mechanically fixed.  Many of the conditions would have resolved themselves through time.  But more importantly, it is now increasingly understood that the vast majority of the root causes behind symptoms addressed by the surgery were the result of degeneration, not disease, nutritional deficiencies of many years, if not a lifetime. 
Again, look at the top four and note the comments:
  • Knee arthroscopy - 650,000 surgeries performed yearly; increasingly understood as medically nutritionally addressable  in matter of months; loss weight via mineral supplementation often resolves root issue.
  • Hysterectomy -
    • About 600,000 hysterectomies are performed here each year. A 2000 study revealed that around 70 per cent unnecessary
    • Ernst Bartsich, M.D., a gynecological surgeon at Weill-Cornell Medical Center in New York. "I'm not proud of that. It may be an acceptable procedure, but it isn't necessary in so many cases." In fact, he adds, of the 617,000 hysterectomies performed annually, "from 76 to 85 percent" may be unnecessary.
  • Spinal surgery - 1 million patients a year; Even pain caused by a bulging or herniated disc "resolves on its own within a year in some 60 percent of cases," orthopedists claim.  Medical nutritional program to address deficiencies in bone matrix issues and giving body ability to rebuilt tissue has been found effective.
  • Angioplasty - 1.2 million angioplasties; a completely nonsurgical method -- heart medication -- was just as beneficial as angioplasty and stints in keeping arteries open in many patients. Again, medical nutrition, even folic acid or B complex in medicinal dosages can resolve this in matter of weeks or months.

The solution to improving one's health is not a public policy or action that improves the health of a community, but action taken by individuals to live healthier via diet and nutritional supplementation. Once the people in America realize that living healthier, having a higher quality of life via mental clarity, physical prowess and with energy levels at their peak, but that going to the doctor, having to go to a hospital will drop dramatically and allow these providers to become what they really should do: emergency, trauma and accident centers, some surgery and some antibiotic services. More like mall and shopping center outlets, but nothing like they are today or envisioned under any State designed health care system, especially the horrific, costly and literal death panels of the Obama Care model now being pushed as a creature of total domination of the economy.
So, I am a strong advocate of encouraging not only competitive health and well being services, but medical nutrition. This means recognizing that living healthy is a personal choice and decision under a free society, not a societal cost as practiced in a collectivist society. This means becoming aware, if necessary research and study, but realize that recent studies show that literally the major illness and disease facing us today is not genetic, but a result of degeneration. More so, the degeneration of any organ or root cause behind the 800, 900 or top 1200 illness and diseases today are a result of long term nutritional deficiencies!
Yep. The body is an awesome thing, able to repair and rebuild, heal and guard against environmental and consumed pathogens behind most illness or disease, but to do that, it needs the full compliment of proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Sadly, most fruits and vegetables, even meats today are adulterated, and contain less and less nutrients compared to even 10 years ago, no longer literally capable of providing the minimum nutrients necessary to live a long and healthy life.
Look, Recognize that the existing healthcare system is based on treatment of disease versus healing via treatment, reversal of underlying cause and prevention as possible under a medical nutritional model. Your MD should really be identified as a drug doctor or trauma doctor or something to do with what the medical system as exists today: use for emergencies, trauma, surgery, maybe conditions needing antibiotics, but not for flu's, colds, gall stones, fibromyalgia, etc.
As for GMO foods, vaccines and other truly questionable DC mandates via a bureaucracy of agencies, FDA, etc. have become dangerous to our health, especially not allowing individuals to live and consume, determine what and how to live health and free. The scam being perpetuated by FDA, AMA and the insurance companies, robbing all the Peter's, Paul's and Mary's to fund the Helen's, Jane's and Billies who are lacking personal responsibility and enriching the pharmaceutical, bureaucratic game-players mentioned above along the way.
Current actions, raids and other outlandish actions, arresting folk buying or using raw milk, growing gardens, forced health care under current model that kills more people annually than wars, verges on insane, if not anti human.
One can look back at history and see the impact of the Flexner Report on health practices and universities doing medical studies and see the turning point of monopolistic control under the AMA and related bureaucracies like the FDA.  Then there is the soil depletion of key minerals and our crops no longer able to provide the full range of mineral nutrients, increasingly noted since 1930's.
The medical practitioners of Dr, Saul (, Dr Glidden (, Dr. Mercola, Dr Wallach (, Dr. Dennis Miller, Dr. Blylock and pharmacist Ben Fuchs represent a leading edge of NDs and MDs that promote clinically verified treatment, reversal and prevention of the vast majority of illness and disease destroying  people's health and well being today.
I reference here the work of Dr. Miller, a surgeon who has researched and found that three nutrients in key dosages (selenium, D3 and iodine) have been shown to reduce breast and other female cancers by 70-86% compared to any group not taking these nutrients. And given that over 80% of population in America is deficient in all of these nutrients, it is no wonder.  Like scurvy among British sailors, recognizing the root cause changes everything.  So, societies promoting mainstream mammograms, surgery and mastectomies shown be ashamed.  The funds collected given to women alone to buy these nutrients would cost 10 cents on the dollar collected!!!
Other known solutions for MS, CF, IBS and other digestive conditions, heart disease, strokes, and actually all of the major killers can be addressed with a sound medical nutrition program.  Dr Wallach has done excellent work here and been a linchpin in fighting FDA regarding nutrients.  Dr. Saul has a peer reviewed website that includes many studies and nutritional solutions for common illness and disease.
Since MDs do not practice health and well being. After 8 years at university take on average one course on nutrition, and since they practice reductionist medicine, seeing the body as a machine and not a dynamic self healing awesome self regulating creation of the Creator. Dr Saul says " Many doctors have NEVER had even one good course in nutrition. There are some dietitians who are actually opposed to citizens taking food supplements."  Many MDs have forgotten the first principle of Hippocratic Oath: heal the patient first, without drugs or bodily intervention. The expression, 'Fire your doctor' is too kind; they should quit and become monks!
The vast majority of illness and disease can be addressed in weeks or a couple months, with symptoms or the actual condition reversed or improved. This includes diabetes II, for prostate cancer and many more illness and diseases, many having shown increases from 100 to 10,000% in recent years.
Most can be traced to root causes of one or more minerals, vitamins or essential fatty acids and ameliorated or corrected via supplementation and moving to a sound diet of fruits and vegetables and other natural sources of the essential nutrients.
You do not need radiation and chemo therapy, slash and burn mainstream treatments for cancer, proven to have only a 3% survival rate in recent studies,  or surveyed oncologist, cancer doctors, who the majority said they would NOT undergo their own treatments if they were to have cancer, knowing that there are more effective treatments not promoted via FDA and AMA.
An aware population allowed to practice one or more medical nutritional supplementation approaches, Primal diets or other Mediterranean diet models or universal cancer food diets, and other approaches to health and well being, along side any mainstream hospital and MD drug pushing model and let the truth be self evident in a free market of health.
Call MDs what they really are: drug doctors or pharmaceutical doctors or surgical doctors, but not medical doctors.  There are NDs, MDs, ODs, Chiropractic doctors and the like; they all practice one or more medical approaches that are equal to or better than the prevailing model advocated by the health establishment.  Call medical hospitals, Trauma Centers or Emergency hospitals, but do not imply that medical is defined by the limits of services practiced there now.
Give me my sword, give me my purse, and give me my natural right to health and well-being under the simple idea of a Health Freedom Zone!
Allow health freedom practiced and your state could be the mecca of health and well being, a dynamic population of  alert,  clear minded people working within society and creating opportunities and wealth for all; that is:
  • Stopping Obama Care and CODEX Alimentaris: Crony Healthcarism
  • Saving Healthcare in America by healing Yourself!!
  • Live longer and healthier through diet and medical nutritional supplementation
  • Re-framing health from disease management to competive providers and to Living free and healthy!!
Now that is living free and healthy, and TAC is on the right path to reaching these goals, attitudes and a new paradigm for liberty and freedom.
Diagram sources & notes:
1Authors - By Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD
2See article – text in app. I attached
3Chronic kidney disease (CKD) -- called kidney disease here for short -- is a condition in which the small blood vessels in the kidneys are damaged, making the kidneys unable to do their job. Waste then builds up in the blood, harming the body. Nephritis, nephritic syndrome, and nephritis are diseases associated with the kidney

1David Stockman used as fiscal roach hotel re bonds created by feds @ 6 mins in.
2David Stockman used as fiscal roach hotel re bonds created by feds @ 6 mins in.