Thursday, August 6, 2009

Transformation Time

Time to ponder, reflect and decide: aim  I comfortable with what is going on politically and the impact on the economy?  did my 401k or any retirement accounts lose 30, 40 or more percent over recent times?  Did my house lose value or go into foreclosure?  My job?  Geez-z-z-z...

Times are tough.  The actions by the federal government will continue to worse the situation, as they follow the policies and actions of government-dominated view of society.  They do see you as a child, a ward of the State, a prevailing attitude around the world and throughout most of history.  During the first 2,000 to 4,500 years, it was best described as Paganism. The Leaders see themselves as special, near-to-gods, the conqueror class and all such camp followers.  The people were treated as assets to work, tax and take from to support the State, the throne, altar and warrior class. 

The people saws themselves, or were treated as, slaves, serfs and minions of nobodies, owing their existence to the State. 

And they lived with little or no progress worth noting, in squalor, poverty and taxed to death.

There are periods of freedom, worth discussing, but will do so in another note. 

But for now, the attitudes are called by a variety of names, collectivism, communism and socialism, but the name that catches the actions of late by both 'parties' is fascism.  Yes, they do whatever they feel they need to do to take ever more control over your lives, your assets and your liberty, in the name of the State, the public good.

However, the continued greed via inflation, debt creation and endless warring is coming to an end.  The natural adjustment of the overall market in the U.S. and the world, has reached limits in multiple dimensions: debt levels, fiat money produced and printed, size of government and intrusiveness of government.

Rome fell, after a 1,000 years, as did each and every State or civilization that created paper money, destroyed real money, that warred continually and created debts unsustainable and taxed the people to death or leaving their farms and livelihoods in despair.

We are at such a point.

There are things you can do, steps to take, to protect yourself.  My next post will address the question, where am I as to understanding Liberty & Power, as it creates opportunities for creating, preserving or finding real value in the world today?

I will introduce you to the ideas behind the Transformation Matrix and how you can protect yourself, based on understanding where you exist on the political/economic scale, the trend in the market as it moves toward more government or more freedom and how to invest to proect what is yours!

There you have it for now,
Freedom always, Family and friends before all
Guiding Principles
o  Do harm to no one
o  Take from none his own

Interested in freedom & Liberty?

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