Monday, May 19, 2014

Finding Freedom during Power-Madness at White house using NSA

Disturbing, but just another revelation on NSA spying and who took control of it, the White house. Question is who took control of the white house? It is not Obama or previously bush who is pulling the strings.

My daughter is graduating this week-end. Her world is the generation that will be leading the Turning into the darkest winter for some time, four generations. i will participate, but living in the high mountains, i will survive a bit longer than city dwellers.  Dig in folks, dig in.

And this too, shall pass, but not until there is a 4th Turning, a dark winter:(See Note after article)

“We have the power. We don’t need them.” And he made clear that the power he was referring to was the commander-in-chief’s chief’s wartime authority. (And that we do not need to protect or automatically encrypted information about Americans, as they did before at the No Such Agency!)

Read article below to remind yourself, "Power corrupts and absolute..."


NSA Spying Is a Power Grab

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Washington’s Blog
May 19, 2014

Top security experts – including the highest-level government officials and the top university experts – say that mass surveillance actually increases terrorism and hurts security.

Image: NSA (Wiki Commons).

They say that our government failed to stop the Boston bombing because they were too busy spying onmillions of innocent Americans instead of focusing on actual bad guys.

Moreover, high-level NSA executive Bill Binney – who created the agency’s mass surveillance program for digital information – made it easy for the NSA to catch bad guys without spying on innocent Americans … all while strengthening America against security breaches.

(Binney is a 32-year NSA veteran widely regarded as a “legend” within the agency.  Binney was the senior technical director within the agency and managed thousands of NSA employees.  Binney has been interviewed by virtually all of the mainstream media, including CBSABCCNNNew York TimesUSA TodayFox NewsPBS and many others.)

Binney’s system automatically encrypted information about Americans … but that information could be decrypted if a judge ordered that a specific American was a bad guy or was connected with a bad guy.

But after 9/11, the NSA instead switched to the current system which conducts mass surveillance on all Americans.  Specifically, the system rolled out by the NSA after 9/11 used Binney’s system … butstripped out all of the encryption which would have protected Americans’ privacy absent a court order.

Why Did They Do It?

Why did the NSA switch from the privacy-protecting system which worked to catch terrorists to one that spied on all Americans in violation of their constitutional rights?

A very high-level congressional committee security staffer – Diane Roark – gave a hint on a Frontline show this month. Roark was the congressional staffer in charge of overseeing the NSA for the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee.

Roark explains:

NARRATOR: [Senior House Intelligence Committee staff between 1985-2002 Diane] Roark was summoned to the top deck at the NSA to meet with Director Hayden.

DIANE ROARK: My whole point in going there was to ask him why he had taken off the protections, the encryptions and the automated tracking. I asked this any number of times, and he always evaded answering. And I finally just decided I was not going to leave the room until I got an answer. And so I kept asking.

So about the fifth time, he looked down, and I remember he could not look me in the eye, and he said, “We have the power. We don’t need them.” And he made clear that the power he was referring to was the commander-in-chief’s chief’s wartime authority.

In other words, the Constitution was tossed out the window and all Americans have been subjected to Orwellian surveillance ever since – not because it’s necessary or even efficient – but simply because they decided that they had the raw power to do so.

Washington’s Blog asked senior NSA veteran Bill Binney why he thought NSA switched from an automatic privacy-protecting encryption program to its current dragnet.

Binney told us:

When you drop the privacy protections, you are able to spy on all your political opponents and do the things that the IRS does plus get rid of people you don’t want in government, like General Petraeus and General Allen and others like Elliot Spitzer, etc.

Further, you can target Supreme Court Judges,  other judges, Senators, Representatives, law firms and lawyers, and just anybody you don’t like … reporters included.

It also meant they did not have to go to the FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] to get a warrant to look into US citizens.

Washington’s Blog is not sure if NSA had a direct hand in the firing of CIA director General Petraeus, General Allen, or Elliot Spitzer. But spying may have played a part.

Spitzer – the tough New York Attorney General who went after corrupt bankers more than anyone since – was snared through the Patriot Act. Former CIA director General Petraeus was brought down whenthe government spied on his email communications. Binney has previously said that Petraeus seems to have gotten on the government’s “enemies list”, and was thus spied on … and drummed out as CIA director. General Allen was also relieved of his position when his emails were leaked.

Binney has also said that “We are now in a police state“, because the government is “laundering” data generated by mass surveillance, to go after people that – for whatever reason – the government doesn’t like. This is especially concerning because it is clear that mass surveillance is being used more to crush dissent than to stop terrorism. (And that’s been true for 500 years. And see this).

Another high-level NSA whistleblower – Russel Tice – says that the NSA is spying on – and blackmailing – top government officials and military officers, including Supreme Court Justices, high-ranked generals, Colin Powell and other State Department personnel, and many other top officials. And see this:

 He says the NSA started spying on President Obama when he was a candidate for Senate


Note from this article:

Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe document these cycles in their 1997 book The Fourth Turning. The book reminds us that the old adage “There is nothing new under the sun” is truly rooted in fact. The issues that we are facing today – with new faces and slightly different angles – are the same realities that our ancestors dealt with during their times of crisis.

“History is seasonal,” write Strauss and Howe, “…and winter is coming.” “Like nature’s winter, the saecular winter can come early or late. A Fourth Turning can be long and difficult, brief but severe, or (perhaps) mild. But, like winter, it cannot be averted. It must come in its turn.”

As a society we are sensing the coming winter and (hopefully) preparing accordingly, just as past generations did at their time of crisis. Government is certainly preparing for massive upheaval just in time for the arrival of the Fourth Turning.

What is a turning?

As Strauss and Howe point out, history is made up of highs and lows. During a high, government and institutions are built up while values are established and commonly held. Another generation is born and these institutions are questioned and undermined. Then, an “unraveling” era unfolds. As Strauss and Howe write, “Both the demand and supply of social order are falling. This is the autumnal quadrant of the saeculum, when vines luxuriate, fruit spoils, leaves fall, and the respect for life’s fundamentals reappears.”

A saeculum – which is divided into four “seasons”, culminating in a crisis  – is the average length of a long human life, after which there is a societal “reset”. A Fourth Turning happens when issues that have been boiling without resolution for years explode. “Subliminal fears… become urgent” heading into the Fourth Turning.

“Political and economic trust will implode. Real hardship will beset the land, with severe distress that could involve questions of class, race, nation and empire. The very survival of the nation will feel at stake. Sometime before the year 2025, America will pass through a great gate in history, commensurate with the American Revolution, Civil War, and twin emergencies of the Great Depression and World War II.”

4th turnings can happen in more than one nation at a time. As the world has become extremely connected and globalized, most of the world may enter into a 4th turning cycle at the same time, exacerbating its impact on everyone. During these turnings, an entrenched elite fight tooth and nail to remain in power.

Individual choices will alter the outcome

As Strauss and Howe point out, the outcome of this season of radical change and potential destruction is up to us. This generation, just as America’s founders did, will provide the heroes and legends for the next. Your actions and choices during this time will alter the outcome of this historical time period and set the cultural agenda for the next cycle. Your contribution can be as simple as making changes in your personal life and aligning yourself with right principles and truth. It may be as big as speaking out on important issues and spreading ideas for change. Karl Rove once said of the elite, “We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” The truth is that we the people influence history. We are the individuals who either accept or reject the elite’s designs for our future.

This article was posted: Monday, May 19, 2014 at 5:39 am


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