Friday, September 25, 2015

Freedom-Based Arbitration

This is my standard ...

Freedom-Based Arbitration
1.      Arbitration shall enforce the law of this agreement to effectuate its purposes,  and
2.      Shall decide the issues by the application of the Law of Equal Liberty (each has the right to do with his/her own what he/she wishes so long as he/she does not forcible interfere with the equal right of another.) 
3.      The American Arbitration or its equivalent entity shall be used for any dispute and their decision absolutely final and binding on all parties of any such action. 
4.      Any such arbitration shall take place in the city of physical residence, WESTCLIFFE, Co.(optional… or where action initiated?) and
5.      The Arbitrator decides the venue for any further action. 
6.      Finally, only the two parties of any such action are allowed to work with the Arbitrator. 
7.      Any arbitration will be between the two (or three) injured parties and the Arbitrator and only they may partake or be present in any meeting, representing parties to the action.
8.      Involved parties can attend meeting via Skype or other web-based audio/visual software; e.g. Zoom.
9.      The arbitrator’s decision is final.

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